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Ideal Blood Pressure Overview

by Melinda Nicholas

Covering ideal blood pressure range and levels for women, and during pregnancy

The 2 Week Diet

Blood pressure health is by all means becoming extremely important across the board amongst people from all walks of life. Blood pressure is understood in terms systolic readings which is the bigger number on top and diastolic reading which is the smaller number at the bottom - for example - 120/80mmHg

For an average human being who is an adult an ideal blood pressure reading would be 120/80mmHg. This is considered normal for adult persons men or women. In reality however blood pressure readings are actually never stable nor consistent through-out the day.

Typically a working person with a 9 to 5 job will have fluctuations in blood pressure from the time of waking up until they sleep again at the end of the day. For example, due to morning hypertension a phenomenon occurring daily in certain people between 6 am and 9am in the morning , an individual's blood pressure can raise beyond the ideal blood pressure level of 120/80mmHg only to come down later in the day.

Even then, during some parts of the day blood pressure may yet raise again above the ideal level even due to what people eat. Some people particularly the elderly in their 60s may experience low diastolic blood pressure 30 to 70 minutes after a meal. This is caused by blood rushing to the stomach to facilitate food absorption into the blood stream after the meal. What people eat is important to the maintenance of an ideal blood pressure range.

For example, for yet some people coffee consumption may lead to immediate blood pressure spikes. This is because of the association between caffeine and blood pressure. Daily fluctuations in blood pressure should not be worrisome so long as they are within the normal blood pressure range. In fact they should be expected. Outside of this it can be considered labile hypertension which will need some form of hypertension treatment.

To monitor your blood pressure there is need to carry out home blood pressure monitoring. Digital home blood pressure equipment available on the market today can average your weekly blood pressure readings to determine your blood pressure which can then be checked against the ideal blood pressure range.

The normal blood pressure range has three fundamental categories into which your readings must fall within to be considered ideal. The categories are high normal, normal and low normal blood pressure readings as presented in the table below.

Normal Blood Pressure Chart

Systolic Reading Diastolic Reading Comment
130mm Hg 85mm Hg High Normal Blood Pressure
120mm Hg 80mm Hg Normal Blood Pressure
110mm Hg 75mm Hg Low Normal Blood Pressure

Low blood pressure is particularly of note when it comes to ideal blood pressure considerations. Unless symptoms of low blood pressure appear there cannot be said to be abnormally low blood pressure. Some people have readings which can be said to be extremely low blood pressure readings yet are healthy and do not show signs of illness.

Normal blood pressure is difficult to maintain for most people nor can it be maintained any longer if no deliberate action is taken to achieve this. There are different causes of high blood pressure and causes of low blood pressure which rob millions annually of ideally normal blood pressure readings. Once your blood pressure is within the ideal normal blood pressure range as shown in the blood pressure chart, there are certain things you can do to maintain that average normal reading.

If your blood pressure is already high, you may consider reading tips for lowering blood pressure naturally to help bring your blood pressure down to an ideal level. Eating foods with less salt is recommended to help maintain your blood pressure within the ideal range. Eating lots of fruit and veggies is also important for your blood pressure health. This would include other lifestyle modifications that includes regular physical exercise. Exercise and blood pressure is an important association especially aerobic exercise in particular.

Ideal Blood Pressure for Women and during Pregnancy

Just as adult men, ideal blood pressure for women is 120/80mmHg. Women are unique and appear to have many biological encounters of note that inevitably impact on their blood pressure health. In particular pregnancy, age and menopause does influence blood pressure health in women.

Under the age of 50, women have a lower blood pressure reading than mean increasing to beat that of men when they cross the 50 year old mark. The table below attempts to give a bigger picture of things concerning average blood pressure for women by age starting at age 15 all the way to the age of 64.

Women Average Blood Pressure Chart

Age of Woman Blood Pressure
15-19 117/77mmHg
20-24 120/79mmHg
25-29 121/80mmHg
30-34 122/81mmHg
35-39 123/82mmHg
40-44 125/83mmHg
45-49 127/84mmHg
50-54 129/85mmHg
55-59 131/86mmHg
60-64 134/87mmHg

Blood pressure in women shoots past the ideal levels in menopause due to the fall in the levels of estrogen a hormone produced by female ovaries which helps maintain blood pressure numbers. Ideal or normal blood pressure during pregnancy is still 120/80mmHG. Doctors may however tolerate anything higher up to about 140/90mmHg before it becomes a concern.

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